SMN Athens Conference is almost here !

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The Smart Maritime Network is coming back to Greece on May 1o 2023 for its 4th annual SMN Athens Conference.

The maritime industry’s digital economy grows with increased connectivity among ships, devices, people, stakeholders and processes. Interconnectivity requires efficient data collection, measurement and analysis which can drive firms growth and development. Indeed, data-driven decision making enables shipping companies to make better choices, enhance safety and boost efficiency.

Nonetheless, rapid changes in the technological landscape brings its lot of new challenges from investing, to partnering, and efficiently communicating. Firms must adapt to use new technologies not only to improve operations but also to set a global vision for digital transformation and allocate resources to implement new systems. Moreover, challenges such as data security, regulatory compliance and the impact of automation on the workforce are new obstacles for the industry to overcome.

The SMN Athens 2023, an executive led-platform, intends to cover all these topics to accelerate action for sustainable growth and ensure competitiveness in a fast changing sector.

For more information, click here.

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