On May 11th 2023, the HS4U Coordinator Mr. Konstantinos Voutzoulidis will have the pleasure to present the HS4U project at the European Council for Maritime Applied R&D (ECMAR) Technology Day and Brokerage event in Brussels. A full day event where maritime R&D projects will be presented and discussed among fellow experts followed by a brokerage event to address first plans for new projects within the next EU call for 2024.

For this occasion, Mr. Voutzoulidis will explain the overall HS4U project objectives and demonstrate how it can contribute to a healthier future in shipping. The recent world health crisis due to covid-19, revealed the necessity for assessing existing regulations and protocols on maritime health and safety fronts, while also optimizing ship design parameters. The HS4U project tackles this challenge by following a 4 Unique pillars approach. Indeed, the project takes into account four different factors from the societal/human factor, to the environmental factor, the legislative factor, and the technological factor.

The project’s holistic approach highly encourages best practices sharing and open discussions on confronting research results with similar projects in the pursuit of achieving a common goal.

To register for the event, click here.